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Join us Educate the Girl-Child in Nigeria’s rural communities

Your contribution can change lives. Donate now to support our mission of empowering the girl-child in Nigeria’s rural communities through STEM education. Together, we can bridge the gap and unlock a world of opportunities for these young minds.

Join us in making a difference today.

Coding Awake

“Coding Awake” Program is an Initiative Developed by Falade Olaitan Idowu to encourage and educate the Girl Child in Technology. The goal is to increase Girl-Child participation in STEM through Scholarship. 

The Initiative is designed to meet specific needs of the community and the individual families.  It is our believe that when we educate the girl-child, we educate individual families as well as the community. 

Our vision is to create a better world – partnering with global and local organizations as well as individuals to widen our reach and provide STEM education to the girl-child in Nigeria’s rural communities.

Our Goal

With our steadfast commitment and global partnerships, we have extended educational opportunities in STEM fields, empowering girls to envision brighter futures. Through scholarships and collaborative efforts with local and international organizations, our goal is to reach over 3000 girls in Nigeria’s rural communities, making education in technology accessible to all. This journey is made possible by your generous contributions and support.

+3000 female children given access to STEM education

+3000 female children given access to STEM education

+500 teachers trained for support and program continuation

+500 teachers trained for support and program continuation

+100 tech labsbuilt in this area.

+100 tech labsbuilt in this area.

Our Goal

help educate a girl-child in STEM


help educate a girl-child in STEM
a Participant


a Participant
suggest a rural girls school


suggest a rural girls school