Awake to Power Launches Coding Awake

Awake to Power Presents “Coding with Awake to Power Communications”, a scholarship program poised to equip 3,600 girl child and 360 teachers in rural schools with Coding Skills- an initiative inspired by Asabi, the girl child.

The story of Asabi

On the vast Nigerian soil, in rural schools painted by dust and beautiful dreams, students yearn for futures shining bright like the diamond. They see the world brimming on dusty television screens, hear whispers of amazing technology wonders from distant cities, but the idea remains ununderstood, the tools out of reach. This is a very big digital divide, carving a wide and deep gap between urban privileges and untapped rural potentials.

Imagine a young girl, Asabi, filled with curiosity, starring at an old, dusty and the only computer in her school which has become an object of amusement. Unlike her privileged urban school counterpart, she experiences no practical computer training, no after school computer coding class, no mentors to explain possibilities and beautiful inventions it can spring. The digital world, a playground for some, remains a locked gate for her!

Sadly, Asabi’s story can be vividly seen, playing in countless if not all rural classrooms in Nigeria, where the grainy whispers of technology become nothing but sighs of despair.

Digital revolution is taking over the world, the world demands digital literacy, yet our students are left behind to hold outdated textbooks, their potentials trapped in analog cage.

Yes, education is expensive, and rural schools struggle with basic resources. Again, I acknowledge that the challenges are real, but the cost of inaction is far greater. Imagine the hidden Mark Zuckerbergs, the caged Steve Jobs, the lost Einsteins of rural Nigeria, their abilities dimmed by lack of exposure! Yet, their potentials, like flaming candles in the wind, if well tapped could illuminate not just lives, but our nation.

This lack of accessibility to adequate digital skills faced by our poor students especially in the rural areas isn’t just educational gap, it is justice gap, denying equal access to the very tools these young minds need to unlock their potentials, explore possibilities and create a mark in the digital space in this 21st century and beyond. But who are we to blame for our lingering problems and why? The school? The government? The kids? Their parents? Philanthropist? Our Fatherland? You? Or Me?

Think of Asabi again, not as a victim, but as a potential game-changer. With coding skills, she could develop auspicious apps that transforms agriculture in her village, creating job opportunities and improving food security. She could connect with like minds and mentors across the globe, her voice magnifying, her ideas thriving. She could be bridging the digital divide, not just for herself but for her community and the nation at large. The possibilities go on and on!

Now, this isn’t about charity, it’s about auspicious investment. By equipping rural students like Asabi with coding skills, we are not just gifting them, we are investing in Nigeria’s future; a future that will be more enjoyable for yours and my children and generations to come. We are building bridges across the digital gap, unlocking talents caged in remote corners. We are empowering not just individuals, but communities, igniting a catalytic chain reaction of innovation and progress.

Let’s come together to rewrite, Asabi’s story. To open the doors of digital world, not just for her, but for every child in every rural school. Let’s invest in their potential, unleash their creativity, and watch their dreams light up the Nigerian sky, not just with stars but with the brilliance of code.

And this, we can achieve with “Coding with Awake to Power Communications”. 

Introducing Coding with Awake to Power Communications

The Coding with Awake to Power Communications program aims to foster STEM education in rural schools by introducing students from JSS 1 to SS2 to the world of coding (robotics) and computer science through engaging workshops, hands-on activities, and mentorship sessions. The goal is to ignite their interest in technology, develop their problem-solving skills, and prepare them for future opportunities in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Our program equips students with the tools they need to:

  • Build websites and apps: Turn their creative ideas into digital realities.
  • Become data masters: Analyse information and solve problems.
  • Design the future: Understand the technology shaping our world and contribute their unique perspectives.
  • Join a supportive community: Connect with other passionate programmers and build a network of future leaders.

More than just coding, we foster:

  • Confidence and growth mindset, encouraging students to embrace challenges and learn from mistakes.
  • Collaboration and teamwork, helping students develop communication and leadership skills through group projects.
  • Mentorship from industry experts, helping students gain valuable insights and inspiration from experienced professionals.

Here’s what makes our program unique:

  • Age-appropriate learning: We offer courses tailored to different age groups, ensuring every child gets the perfect challenge and support.
  • Expert instructors: Our team of experienced professionals is passionate about coding and dedicated to making learning fun and effective.
  • Focus on practical skills: We go beyond theory, providing hands-on projects that allow students apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Imagine our young students coding alongside experienced developers, their innovative ideas shaking up established norms.
  • Inclusive and supportive environment: We believe everyone deserves to be part of the tech world, and our training foster a sense of belonging and collaboration.

Our Target

Our target is to train and empower;

  • 3,600 students in rural schools across the 36 states in Nigeria with coding skills to unlock their untapped potentials, and
  • 360 teachers in rural schools across the 36 states in Nigeria with coding skills to ensure training continuity.

Where we are

The Maiden Edition of “Coding with Awake to Power Communications” is kickstarting with free training scholarship sponsored by Awake to Power Communications for 6 selected students from Government Girls Secondary School, Obudu, Cross River State.

The program curriculum has been carefully designed to cater to students of different levels of experience and expertise in coding. From basic concepts and programming languages to advanced topics such as artificial intelligence and web development, the program will cover a wide range of relevant subjects tailored to each class level.

The program begins with an essay competition aimed at selecting a student from each class for the scholarship to code with Awake to Power Communications.


February 2024:

  • Announcement of Essay Competition to JSS 1 to SS2 students.
  • Distribution of guidelines, topics, and submission details.
  • Deadline for essay submissions.

March 2024

  • Selection of top essays and announcement of winners.
  • Notification of winners and arrangements for the issuance of scholarships.

Coding Classes:

April, May & June 2024

  • Weekly Coding Classes conducted by Awake to Power Communications.
  • Sessions are held once every week.
  • Curriculum includes introductory concepts, programming languages, and hands-on coding projects.

Post-Training Mentorship:

July 2024

  • Post-Training Mentorship Program for scholarship recipients.
  • Participants will receive guidance and support from mentors at Awake to Power Communications.

Publication on Awake to Power Productivity Magazine:

August 2024

  • Essays of the winners will be published in the Awake to Power Productivity Magazine.
  • Publication will highlight the achievements of the students and their insights on technology and coding.
  • The magazine will serve as a platform to showcase the talent and creativity of the participants to a wider audience.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress with the “Maiden Edition of Coding with Awake to Power Communications”. Most importantly, remember the story and untapped potentials of Alorye, and support us in our mission to train 3,600 students and 360 teachers in rural schools across the 36 states in Nigeria-each one a seed waiting to blossom, a life waiting to be transformed. But the rain that nourishes their potential doesn’t fall from the sky; it falls from the hands of those who choose to invest in them and our future as whole. Because, their success is our success! Your donation, your volunteer spirit, your voice raised in support- these are the drops that water these our seeds of hope.

So, join us in bridging this wide and deep digital divide, not just across states, but across generations. Don’t just stay tuned for updates; be part of the story. Let your support be the igniting hope to every Alorye. Together let’s rewrite their stories, not with ink, but with code, building future where every child becomes an architect of their own destiny.

Because the future isn’t just digital, it’s human. And the power to shape it lies not just in technology but in the hearts that choose to empower.

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